Adult Ministry

Adult Ministry

There are classes and Bible studies for all ages that meet on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.  See our Connect Groups listed below to connect with an adult ministry group.

Connect Groups

Are you looking for a Connect Group or a Bible Study?  Whether it's a mixed class, a men's Bible study, a women's Bible study, or an ethnic Bible Study, we have plenty to choose from.  If you have any questions or want more information, please call the church office at 614-889-2307.

Sunday 9:45 AM

  • Explorers- 115/116 (A curriculum-driven class that systematically studies God's Word with attention to discussion: Lance and Anne Kesterson)
  • Homebuilders- C117 (A video-driven class that examines books of the Bible and Biblical themes with attention to discussion: Steve Thayer)
  • Pathfinders- 114 (A verse-by-verse examination through a book of the Bible: Leon Hoover/Danny Stowe)
  • Nearly Newlyweds- 211 (For engaged couples or those married within the last three years.  A repeated curriculum designed to build and enrich Biblical marriages: Peter and Liz Bachwich, John and Shelia Yerkey, Eliot and Dawn Morozowich)
  • Encouragers- Fellowship Hall NE (A verse-by-verse examination through a book of the Bible: Kevin Hehmeyer)
  • Seekers- Fellowship Hall SE (A verse-by-verse examination through a book of the Bible: Doug Dickson)
  • Faithful Families- 209 (Various materials used with a focus on parenting and marriage-related issues: Juan and Renee Galvis, Rusty McCracken)
  • Prime- 136 (Video-driven curriculum with a group teaching/discussion approach: Dave and Pat McGinty)
  • Koinonia- 204/205 (A shared leadership group that utilizes a discovery Bible Study to dig deep into Scripture and apply it to our daily lives: Josh Crowe)

For more information on weekday Bible Studies, please CLICK HERE.

College Ministry

Our College Ministry is the next step in discipleship crafting for the Student Ministry at Dublin Baptist. Our College Ministry focuses on serving and creating a deeper walk with Christ. We want our disciples to find different or multiple areas to serve in the church. Through this process, they can understand what God is crafting in them. While they serve, they meet as a group to study God's Word and take their faith to the next level.

Young Professional

Our Young Professional Ministry is a developing ministry, but our goal is clear: we want to engage those who are post-college to late 20s individuals who are figuring out their new phase of life.  Not a student but still single and independent.  We want to help you find your spot in Jesus' plan and being a disciple-maker here at Dublin Baptist.  For additional information, please contact the church office at 614-889-2307.

Men's Ministry

Men are engaged in ministry at Dublin Baptist.  From the preschool to the sanctuary, from the parking lot to the mission field, we are engaged in leadership, service, teaching, and growing.  Our vision is "Every man more like Christ." The ministry is based on Colossians 1:28, "Him we preach, warning every man and teach every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus."

The Men's Ministry is active with weekly small groups, a monthly Saturday breakfast, a men's retreat, and an annual golf outing, among other activities!  Please check our Events page for upcoming activities.  For additional information, please contact the church office at 614-889-2307.

Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry at Dublin Baptist is based on Proverbs 31:30, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." The goal of the Women's Ministry is to become godly women, and their purpose is to love with God's love and develop strong ministries that will reach last women; teach, care for, and minister to the needs of all women; to love and support one another building strong relationships and keeping all we do Christ-centered.

There are many different ways to get involved with the Women's Ministry.  We offer weekly Bible Studies, fellowship activities, conferences, retreats, and many service opportunities.  Please check our Events page for upcoming activities.  To learn more, please contact the church office at 614-889-2307.